Week two

This week was very much about fleshing out ideas and seeking out basic information regarding my topic.

On Thursday I did my first interview with Marianne Eliot, who co-authored the ‘Peoples Mental Health Report.’ The interview was basic, but it gave me a better understanding of what issues nurses are facing while working in the mental health sector.

On Friday I filed my first Official Information Act (OIA) request. Unfortunately, I filed it with the Ministry of Justice rather than the Ministry of Health however, I quickly realised my mistake and rectified it. I should be receiving the information I required by the 25th of August, and because I did not request any emails or phone records, I do not believe there will be any delays.

In the future, I am keen to acquire records relating to the decision to cut mental health staff out of the disability pay equity settlement, as I have heard that they were originally going to be involved. I just need to figure out what to ask for and whom I should ask.

Next week I plan to speak to someone from the NZ College of Mental Health Nurses and find more data about the mental sector in New Zealand.

Week One

This week has been relatively slow on the investigative journalism front.

Being the first week back, I have been less focused on journalism, and more on getting back into the swing of things.

That is not to say however, that I am unenthused about my topic. On the contrary, I am very excited to explore and uncover how mental health staff are coping with an increasingly under-funded and over-worked system.

I do have a few concerns, mostly around whether I can do this story justice. I do not want to under-represent one side, nor do I wish to demonise anyone involved. I am also worried that this story may take an emotional toll, as I can imagine the staff have seen some very upsetting things during their years working in medicine.

My plan for next week is to do at least one interview with the New Zealand Nurses Association, and hopefully find a few more ‘frontline’ sources such as nurses, doctors, and orderlies. I will also start to search for some studies about mental health staff and the challenges they face.

That’s all from me this week!